What is Structural Integration?

The most impactful way to experience Soma structural integration is through the 11 session series, a step by step process of addressing specific tension and movement patterns while balancing the body as a whole. We will work together of creating new movement patterns and deepen your sense of embodiment, giving you more self-reliance in your healing.

Who can benefit from Soma?

Those dealing with chronic and acute pain often find longer relief than other forms of bodywork and massage. Because we are working with the body as a whole, we treat both the area in pain and surrounding tissues and structures to provide balance and ease in the body. Those seeking a deeper understanding and connection with their body will find the intention and depth of this work to be holistic in connecting the mind, body, and spirit.

If you are tired of short term solutions to chronic pain and ready to do a deep dive into movement and pain, the series is the best option as we work through the body in a step by step process and address the root cause of the patterns. You are also provided with movement education tools to become self-reliant, and only using bodywork as needed for maintenance.

Other ways to experience the work:

Somassage® - A stand-alone, specialized form of bodywork that uses the fascial system, specific depth, and directionality to advance the client toward optimal efficiency, ease, and wellness. It addresses the full-body organization of the fascial structure while recognizing the unique qualities of each individual. This treatment can be a great introduction to structural integration and is typically the recommended maintenance after series work is completed.

Pelvic Floor Treatment - We will work to balance the pelvis and body with focus on the pelvic floor. All pelvic floor work is external with clear communication around what and where we are working.

Focused Treatment - can be scheduled as a 75 or 120 minute treatment. Working to balance the body around a specific issue.

Advanced Treatment - continue your exploration of movement and holding patterns.


Sleeve Sessions

To start, the superficial fascia is first released and provides a foundation for the deeper core work in later sessions.

  • Focus : Release the tissue surrounding the rib cage and lengthen the lower back.

    Result: A sense of lightness and well-being, a more upright posture, and fuller, deeper breathing.

  • Focus : The body’s foundation - lower legs and feet.

    Result: A sense of being firmly grounded and in touch with reality.

  • Focus: The relationship between the pelvis, rib cage, and shoulder girdle.

    Result: Expanded breathing, greater relaxation, and more immediately available energy.

Core Sessions

To bring about the most profound benefits of work, we restructure, educate and enliven the center of your body: legs, pelvis, entire spine, and muscles that support you from deep within.

  • Focus : Adjust and lengthen the center line, or core, that runs vertically through the body

    Result: Better balance and freedom of movement. Walking takes a fraction of the energy typically expended.

  • Focus : Release the muscles of the neck, face and head.

    Result: More softened and relaxed appearance in the face, with increased self-reliance and personal power.

Integrative Sessions

These final sessions are the key to the lasting “effects” of Soma Structural Integration®. By focusing largely on integration and connectivity, we allow your body-mind to fully “own” this new way of moving and being in the world.

  • Focus : Integrate first the lower, then the upper body in a new and more efficient manner.

    Result: Less stress and increased energy as the body’s structure becomes better aligned with gravity.

  • Focus : Release and integrate the arms and shoulders

    Result: A lighter experience of the arms, greater ease through the shoulders, an experience of more connection through the entire torso.

  • Focus: Integrate the whole body in a new and more efficient manner.

    Result: Less stress and increased energy as the body’s structure become better aligned with gravity.

“On its own, the body knows how to survive. It’s our job to teach it how to thrive.”

— Deepak Chopra, The Healing Self